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kun 30 % kontingent resten av året !!
Tradisjonen tro skriver Hans Olav Lahlum rapporter fra Det åpne NM, og foreløpig er det bare Rune Taranger av våre som er nevnt (foreløpig - bare de to første runderapportene er offentliggjort):
One of the most interesting games in this group was played on the last board, as 18 year old orienteering star Ingunn Egeberg Vari in her first rated game turned out to be a well qualified chess player too. After both players spent very much time from the opening in a tactical Italian duel, opponent Rune Taranger (1736) made the better calculations and won well deserved. Still Vari coming in from nowhere a few hours before the tournament can be a new chess talent worth to follow for the next rounds and months.